Well I will be staying
in the same area but will have a different companion. Her name is Sister Bowls
and guess what she was also in my MTC district. It's kinda funny! thank you for
Rachel's address that's great and I'm glad she and Mila's family are safe. I
can't believe Amber is home where does the time go? well the week has been good over here in HB always a perfect sunny
summer day! Some really neat things happened this week. Last Monday we stopped
by this lady named Cara to see how she was doing we had not been able to get a
hole of her for a little bit and we know that she would be leaving for
Australia soon and we wanted to see her before she left. so we got a little
package together of little things to keep her kids entertained on the trip. we
stopped by and she was home. Cara was so happy to see us, and really liked the
gift. She told us that they were leaving the next day, then she came out side
to talk to us for a little bit because there was some thing she wanted to tell
us. She said that the night before we came over she had a dream and we were in
it and that she could feel of Gods love all around her. But see said that she
keep waking and every time she feel asleep we were in her dream. she had a look
on her face that said am I crazy. we told her that we believe that God can talk
to us in many way. she told us that she was taking the Book of Mormon with her
because she was going to have lots of down time and will call us when she gets
back in town. Then gave us a huge and we went on our way. when we walked back
to the car we realized how much God has a big hand in our life's. We looked
back on our day and was able to see how all the event that happened that day
that allowed us to be there at the right time. we did not plan on going over
there that Monday. But things happened that allowed us to be there.
Because if we would have gone a day later she would have been gone and a day
earlier she would have not had the dream. I know that our Father in Heaven is
aware of all of us and is in control. I am so thankful to know that He is there
and Loves us so much and knows what is going on in our life. He puts people in
our path for a reason. I know that we have a Father in Heaven that loves us and
is some one we can trust everything to. Lots of love!
Till we wright again
Sister Henderson
P.S. have lots of fun
for me and lots of pics and big hugs all around!
Mon, Nov 11, 2013
Hi. this week has been
good a little frustrating or investigators keep canceling on us but
other then that it's been good. I'm glad Grandpa had a good
birthday. So transfers are coming up they are on the 19th. That will
be fun! also next transfer Elder Packer will be coming to speak to us.
that will be cool, and sister Doyle and I are participating in the choir.
we had several trips to the doctor this week, most of it was for sister
Doyle she has troubles with her hips. one was for me but don't worry I'm fine I
just have a viruos that will run it's course. also can some one see if Rachel
Walker is ok in the Philippines? Please!!! and maybe some addresses to
the other girls on missions that I went to school with? sorry that my
letter is short, I'll do better next time love you all.
Till we write
Sister Henderson