Monday, December 16, 2013

Ward Christmas Breakfast

Merry Christmas!  From California

We had a ward Christmas breakfast that was super fun, there were members there that we have been working with in getting them back to church. They all seemed to have a fun time, and it was super great to see them there. Something that has come to my attention the last few days is that I have not been the best at is loving those around me. it's kind of makes the work harder when you don't do that. It's even harder to do the work when you don't love your self. I know that sounds selfish but when you can see what the Lord sees in you, you can have the confidence to do his work. when you can love your self  you are able to love others more. something I have been doing when reading the Book of Mormon has been high lighting the word faith in light green and I just finished the Book of Mormon so it's time to start again but this time I will be high lighting love and charity in red. there is a chapter in preach my gospel on Christ like attributes that I have been studying along with my findings in the book of Mormon.
Sorry if any of that didn't make since.
 it just doesn't  seem like Christmas. No snow :(  Well I love you all so much and talk to you later.
                                                                                     Till we write again,
                                                                                       Sister Henderson      

PS I got some tim tams!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


My week has been good. We when out to dinner with a sister from our ward this week. We were sitting down at a table waiting for our food, the waitress that brought our food out to us saw that we were missionary's. she asked if we were Mormon and we told her that we were then she asked us if we could pray for her she had been sick for some time and was just starting to get back to work. We told that we would and she continued on with her work. After she had left Sister Bowles turned to me and said we should ask her if she would like a blessing. So the next time she came back around we told her about blessing and asked if she would like one because we know some pretty great Elders that could give that. she listened to what we had to say and kindly declined. She told us that she has good faith in the prayers.  We told her if she ever needed one she knows where to look. She thanked us and we parted ways. I love being a missionary for the Lord's church. I know that people are always watching and know that we are true followers of Christ. I love this season of the year and the spirit that comes with it. It's kind of weird to not have snow. But in a way it helps me keep my mind off of home and all the loved ones there. We had several days of rain.  That was fun.  The Lord blesses us every day and I am thankful for that! Love you all lots!
Till we write again
Sister Henderson

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

More Teaching

Andrew sounds like he is one amazing person I hope I get to meet him some day! Our week has been good. Thanksgiving was good we spent it with a family that we love lots they have two daughters out  right now on missions. after dinner we taught them the restoration. it was lots of fun. Then I taught them  the whipped cream game, where you pop the cream up in the air and try to catch it in your mouth, they thought it us the funniest thing ever. they're a great family. they are always looking out for us. another neat thing that happened was yesterday we went to go see this sister in the ward and her husband (that is not a member) to see how they were doing and if we could teach them the lesson. President Tew wants us teaching every night, if it be members, less active or investigator. He wants us teaching. so we asked them if we could and they said yes. we ended up teaching part of the lesson right then and there. lately we have been getting into some less active member homes, that people haven't seen in a while and we have been asking them if they could help us out and let us teach so we can keep up with our teaching skills and many of them have agreed. I know that our Father in Heaven loves all his children and wants to help us out how ever he can and one thing that I love that he gave to help us is the gift of knowledge and faith. these two things go hand in hand. I keep studying about faith and the great power faith brings. love you all.

Till we write again
Sister Henderson