Merry Christmas! From
We had a ward Christmas breakfast that was super fun, there were
members there that we have been working with in getting them back to
church. They all seemed to have a fun time, and it was super great to see them
there. Something that has come to my attention the last few days is that I
have not been the best at is loving those around me. it's kind of
makes the work harder when you don't do that. It's even harder to do the work when
you don't love your self. I know that sounds selfish but when you can see what
the Lord sees in you, you can have the confidence to do his work. when you
can love your self you are able to love others more. something I have
been doing when reading the Book of Mormon has been high lighting the word
faith in light green and I just finished the Book of Mormon so it's time
to start again but this time I will be high lighting love and charity in
red. there is a chapter in preach my gospel on Christ like
attributes that I have been studying along with my findings in the book of
Sorry if any of that didn't make since.
it just doesn't seem like Christmas. No snow
:( Well I love you all so much and talk to you lat er.
Till we write again,
Sister Henderson
PS I got some tim tams!